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To mark a new year - a nine year - (2+0+2+5) we’ll explore teachings linked to the 9th body - the subtle body. Over the course of nine weeks, we’ll learn about tantric numerology and how it relates to the ten body system. We’ll learn about the Katonah magic square exploring the nine rooms in the body-as-house metaphor. We’ll learn the anatomy of the chakras and corresponding glands and how understanding and working with these subtle energy centres through breathwork, dynamic movement, mantra meditation, and journaling will take us to a new level of refinement. 

What Are We In For?

Phenomenologically, subtle body explorations pose that bodies + environments are continuously shaping one another and invite us to pay attention to HOW we experience the world both inside + out. French phenomenological philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty maintained that the perceiving body and its perceived world could not be disentangled from each other and as such the body is our general medium for having a world.

With the subtle body we can deal with life and its subtleties to take the opportunities life presents and master them. Excellence in a person is when everything can be experienced and interpreted with fineness. They can understand the implications and connections between things and experience everything with grace. The virtues associated with the subtle body are mastery and calmness. The key to balancing this body is to commit to any one practice for an extended period of time. This allows one to refine.

A Community Sadhana

The key to balancing the subtle body - and holding steady in an unsteady world - is to commit to something. Let’s kick-off a nine year with an exercise in building a relationship between discipline as pleasure and pleasure as discipline. We’ll work with a daily meditation for refinement and attunement that will carry us through nine weeks together (62 days) and the potential to keep up with a 120 day sadhana (daily practice). The meditation of the day to carry us through the year is Long Ek Ong Kars, AKA Morning Call, affectionately celebrated as LEOK

A Stitch in Time

January 6: MANTRA, MATH, AND MAPS | Sadhana, numerology, magic square, chakras 101

January 13: ROOT | Reproductive organs, earth element

January 20: SEX | Adrenals, water element

January 27: NAVEL | Spleen, pancreas, fire element

February 3: HEART | Thymus, air element

February 10: THROAT | Thyroid, ether element

February 17: THIRD EYE | Pituitary

February 24: CROWN | Pineal

March 3: AURA | Put it all together


This offering will be housed in the INS + OUTS portal. Every weekly practice will be rolled out on a Monday and made available to stream for as long as you’re a member. This offering will have a hand-full of pop-up LIVE-ON-ZOOM opportunities TBD such as full moon and new moon group LEOK.

To join, subscribe to INS + OUTS whenever you’d like and in the meantime enjoy our guided breathwork tracks, ten bodies teachings, kundalini 101 classes, quickie practices, and more. Refinement starts January 6, 2025. 

Every month
Every year

A learning space to explore the intricacies, intentions, particularities, and peculiarities of kundalini yoga’s practical and esoteric techniques involving the bodies and brain. Includes access to new weekly practices and a growing collection of self-guided series + workshops.

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March 25


February 5