to May 3


Paying attention to the cycles of the natural world and attuning ourselves to the shift in seasons both inside and out can be a curious way to be in conversation with your physical, mental, energetic, and emotional bodies. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the spring months are considered the season of the liver and the gallbladder. This 40 day offering is inspired by the elemental and emotional links to the spring months: wood + anger.

The springtime is a powerful time to bring balance, integration, and rejuvenation to the liver and gallbladder. The liver serves as a filter for our blood, a regulator of our mood, and is responsible for the movement of qi through the body. When the energy of the liver is in excess we tend to express anger, frustration, resentment, rage, and bitterness in unproductive ways. Think: agro.

The intention of our time together is to cool and relax the liver to reduce inflammation wherever it may exist in the physical, emotional, and energetic bodies. This program will support you in embodying the expansive and ascending qualities of the season. Think: spring rising.

When we improve liver function through both physical and emotional detoxification we make room for a rebirth. Think: MA.

The Details

Starting on the first Monday of Spring - and also a full moon - you’ll receive a pre-recorded 90 minute Katonah x Kundalini practice to be visited as much as possible for the week - once, twice, 5x - your body, your time, your practice. This will continue every Monday for 5 weeks. On the 6th week, the goal is to revisit the practices from weeks 1-5 on Mon-Fri - the build up to put it all together just in time for the trilliums to say hey.

Each practice harnesses the power of dynamic movement, breathing exercises, meditation, and journaling.

  • WEEK 1 - Remove liver stagnation + encourage free flowing energy

  • WEEK 2 - Improve liver detoxification 

  • WEEK 3 - Improve liver drainage

  • WEEK 4 - Relax your liver

  • WEEK 5 - Liver + gallbladder = BFF

  • WEEK 6 - Put it all together 

Community Sadhana

Every day for 40 days we’ll commit to one 3 minute dynamic breathwork affectionately known as fists of anger. This will serve as our daily thread.

Get with the Program

  • Five distinct 90 minute pre-recorded classes taught by Krista Schilter

  • A 3-minute instructional for daily sadhana

  • Plant wisdom from Registered Medical Herbalist Melanie Hill of Rosewood + Silver

  • Liver-loving food guidance, meal planning inspo, and a grocery list c/o Holistic Nutritionist Madelyne Beckles

  • Three live (and recorded!) offerings in the GC ZOOM ROOM:

    • Kick-start Q+A + Full Moon Meditation

    • Half-way Liver-Lover Practice

    • The Grand Finale Day 41 Move/Meditate/Check-in


March 5 - May 3, 2024

Sign Up

If you’re a GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID member, this 40 day practice is a part of your membership and you’ll also have access to it as long as you are a member.

If a one-off purchase is more your flavour, sign-up below for 40 days. You’ll have access to the recordings until the end of May.

just live'r
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To join GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID , sign-up below. Includes on-demand themed kundalini classes and access to a growing collection of over 100+ classes, seasonal series + tantric numerology workshops. If you’re considering a membership and you’re new here, use code TRYMEBUYME for 50% off your first month. Cancel at any time.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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to Feb 20


We are so back. Starting on the first new moon of the new year, we’ll explore our curiosities in community with a 40 day practice specifically for an eight year. Expect a 15 minute practice including warm-up movements, breathwork, and mantra. Every 8 days we’ll change up our daily sadhana using 5 sutras as our framework.

In the system of tantric numerology, the 8th body is the pranic body. Think all things prana/life-force/vitality via the breath. In Katonah theory, the 8th room [in the embodied metaphor of the body as a house] is the laundry room. Think insight via repetition.

The harsh realities and unfolding atrocities of this particular epoch on the planet can and should be catalyzing. We’re going to explore the sentiment of being knocked sideways and how todays unjust world seems to shock and confuse as the idiom would suggest. But what if we took our 8 and knocked it sideways to find infinity beyond the finite constraints of mechanized time. Or, more simply: touch the present moment.

We’ll use the principles of spiritual ecology - reverence, interconnectedness, and kinship - and the Sutras for the Aquarian Age (as per kundalini yoga teachings) to build an affinity for infinity.

Five distinct 15 minute sadhana classes will be pre-recorded and rolled-out over 40 days via inbox and shared portal. There will be some live (and longer) offerings because the ZOOM ROOM is buffering ready and waiting. Think: group pranayam, Gestalt-ish check-ins, a Family Day dance party, and classic shoot-the-shit moments. But also, I’m flowing with a new baby so expect live schedule to be fluid with opportunity to connect morning/evening/weekend to accommodate different schedules.

For the nerds: 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8. 8 x 5 = 40. You + Me = LFG.

The Sutras:


January 11 - February 20, 2024

Sign Up

If you’re a GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID member, this 40 day practice is a part of your membership and you’ll also have access to it as long as you are a member.

If a one-off purchase is more your flavour, sign-up below for 40 days. You’ll have access to the recordings until the end of February.

affinity for infinity
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To join GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID , sign-up below. Includes on-demand themed kundalini classes and access to a growing collection of over 100+ classes, seasonal series + tantric numerology workshops. If you’re considering a membership and you’re new here, use code TRYMEBUYME for 50% off your first month. Cancel at any time.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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to Dec 30


We’ve arrived to the end of our year-long numerology experiment in GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID. This month, we embody what we’ve learned and discovered about the TEN BODIES through deep listening.

In this system of numerology we recognize 11 as it’s own number rather than reducing to 2 (1+1). If you have a number 11 in your chart consider it the embodiment of all ten bodies. Like train-tracks, the number 11 represents parallel unison. It's a pure state of consciousness in which you can recognize everything as cosmic play and recognize the godliness and the humanness in all. The number 11 is about directing the play of all 10 bodies at will.

To work with the number 11 tap into the power of sound current. The theme associated with the number 11 is infinity, mastery, and divine vision. Sound represents the entire cosmos and can be a number of tremendous expansion.

This month includes a workshop, gong sound stuff, journal questions, chart reading, and the invitation to revisit any classes from the past 11 months specific to a particular body with ears wide open.

“The human is the light: mental, spiritual, self, and the teacher is the embodiment of it.”

This monthly workshop is part of the GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID membership zone. To join for December, sign-up below. Includes on-demand themed kundalini classes and access to a growing collection of over 100+ classes, seasonal series + tantric numerology workshops. If you’re new here, use code TRYMEBUYME for 50% off your first month. Cancel at any time.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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to Nov 30


The tenth body is the radiant body. The radiant body is universal and everywhere. It gives you royalty and radiance. Its strength makes you courageous in the face of any obstacle. When the radiant body is strong you exert a magnetic presence and command respect of all who know you. You approach life with an 'all or nothing' attitude and always give 110%.

If your tenth body is underdeveloped, you may be afraid of conflict. You may shy away from other people's attention because you are afraid of the energy and responsibility that comes with the recognition of your inner light and nobility. You may feel ineffective and unable to come through in situations.

Projectivity is the essence of your radiance. It's a light that shines. The impression you make is through the radiance of your body. Run your chart and explore it in circle-grid.

“The word you give to others is grace. Expectation of you being who you are is grace. It is a total sum of your personality, reflected by you. It is your radiant body.”

This monthly workshop is part of the GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID membership zone. To join for November, sign-up below. Includes on-demand radiant body themed kundalini classes throughout the month and access to a growing collection of over 100+ classes, seasonal series + tantric numerology workshops. If you’re new here, use code TRYMEBUYME for 50% off your first month. Cancel at any time.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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to Oct 31


Phenomenologically, subtle body explorations pose that bodies + environments are continuously shaping one another. October is all about building a curious relationship with your 9th body - the subtle body - to pay attention to HOW you experience the world both inside + out. We’ll use numerology, kriya, breathwork, mantra and journaling to explore concepts from French phenomenological philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty who maintained that the perceiving body and its perceived world could not be disentangled from each other.

With the subtle body we can deal with life and its subtleties to take the opportunities life presents and master them. Excellence in a person is when everything can be experienced and interpreted with fineness. They can understand the implications and connections between things. They can sense intention and are less emotional and neurotic. Through the subtle body we can experience everything with grace.

"Anything you do which is refined - refined art, refined acts, refined speech, anything that is not gross - will put you nearer to the soul. That's a rather simple way of reaching your GOD-consciousness."

This monthly workshop is part of the GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID membership zone. To join for October, sign-up below. Includes on-demand subtle body themed kundalini classes throughout the month and access to a growing collection of over 100+ classes, seasonal series + tantric numerology workshops. If you’re new here, use code TRYMEBUYME for 50% off your first month. Cancel at any time.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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to Sep 30


Cultivate big lung energy for the month of September as we continue our journey through the TEN BODIES, arriving at the 8th body - the pranic body. Through the breath, your pranic body continuously brings life force energy into your system. When we are full of prana we are washed over with a sense of vitality and aliveness. We can tap a sense of fearlessness and a knowing that we are at one with all creation. When your pranic body is strong, and your breathing is deep and relaxed, nothing can bother you. You are self-motivated and you have enough energy to achieve your goals.

Fear is just excitement without breath.

The pranic body contains all the nadis (the energetic pathways) and the chakras (energetic centres). Each of the ten bodies is significantly interactive with the others. They must all go though the circuit of the mind to coordinate and all are dependent on one thing: prana.

Prana is the life force that charges the molecules and cells of our body. Human life is supported by the spirit and guaranteed by the breath. When you breathe consciously, you control the breath of life and thus, the physical life. See for yourself. For the month of September, we’ll use dynamic kriya, journaling, and lots of guided audio breathwork to explore this body.

This monthly workshop is part of the GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID membership zone. To join for September, sign-up below. Includes 8 on-demand pranic body themed kundalini classes throughout the month and access to a growing collection of over 100+ classes, seasonal series + tantric numerology workshops. If you’re new here, use code TRYMEBUYME for 50% off your first month. Cancel at any time.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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The seventh body is the aura which is the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body and can extend up to nine feet in every direction. When it's strong it acts as a container for your life force and allows that life force to build up to a level where you feel confident and secure. It is from this position of security that you can treat others with compassion and use your very presence to uplift all.

Consider life as an interrelated and interconnected magnetic field. That things cannot be changed by emotion or sentiment but only by the actual force of the magnetic field around them. Just as the earth has an electromagnetic frequency so too do we. In using our seventh body effectively we make an imprint. We can serve as a platform for elevation because every aura and vibration changes the effectiveness of everything around it forever. Every thought and every feeling is carried through the electromagnetic field generated by the heart, the brain, the muscles. Through the capacity of our meditative mind we can be in a position to control our projection, our attitude, our acknowledgment towards the harmony of the universe in which we play.

In this workshop (and for the month of August), we’ll use dynamic kriya, some breathwork, journaling, and community dialogue to explore this body. Join for the workshop and stay for the aura-expanders through 8 distinct 1hr classes that dive deep into the number 7.

This monthly workshop is part of the GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID membership zone. To join for August, sign-up below. Includes 8 live kundalini classes throughout the month. All recordings will be available for streaming whenever in our portal. You’ll also gain access to the growing collection of classes + workshops including a most recent addition of a five-part summer series - pump it or dump it - for the heart + colon as per TCM.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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arc line

arc line

The sixth body is the arc line which extends from earlobe to earlobe across the hairline and brow. It's your halo and considered the nucleus of your aura. There’s also a secondary arc line from nipple to nipple in front of the heart. The arc line is your projection and your radiance. It gives you the ability to focus, to be concentrated, to meditate. It's associated with the pituitary gland and thus the whole glandular system.

When the arc line is strong you can use the intuition of your sixth centre to protect yourself, so that you can deal with the stressors of life without shutting down your heart. The projective power of the arc line helps you manifest whatever you want in your life. It is the balance point between the physical realm and the cosmic realm and gives the opportunity to become a person of prayer - stating an intention and giving direction to the universe.

In this workshop (and for the month of July), we’ll use dynamic kriya, some breathwork, journaling, and community dialogue to explore this body. Join for the workshop, stay for the BIG ANGEL ENERGY through 8 distinct 1hr classes that dive deep into the number 6.

This monthly workshop is part of the GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID membership zone. To join for July, sign-up below. Includes 8 live kundalini//katonah classes throughout the month. All recordings will be available for streaming whenever in our portal. You’ll also gain access to the growing collection of classes + workshops including a most recent addition of a five-part summer series - pump it or dump it - for the heart + colon as per TCM.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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golden writes
to Aug 28

golden writes

Wisdom from the Sages + Morning Pages

Summer school is back with an 11-week self-guided program to write as you might to cultivate creativity.

The purpose of this offering is to open + empty + avail ourselves to trust creative impulse and discover//recover creative self through kundalini embodiment techniques and themes informed by Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way and the relational model of Gestalt psychotherapy. There’s an optional (and highly recommended) component to this offering that involves daily stream-of-consciousness writing upon waking - three pages of anything and everything that crosses your mind. This practice is known as morning pages and is considered a subconscious dump and a path to higher creativity. I am in awe of it’s efficacy.

Recorded Classes

Every Monday for 11 weeks you’ll receive a link to a 90 min classic kundalini practice including breathwork, kirya, relaxation, and mantra. All course content will be housed in a digital portal and available for your reference to revisit as much or as little as you’d like.

Monday Release Dates

June 19, 26 | July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 | Aug 7, 14, 21, 28

(or start whenever and however you dig)

Live Check-Ins

If you participated in Golden Link: a 40 Day Experience Spring//Summer//Fall editions or any Summer School offerings of the past (Ctrl+Alt+Secrete Summer 2021 or Golden Writes Summer 2022) know that this offering will flow in a similar fashion with opportunities for Gestalt-y beditation + group dialogue throughout. These will only take place live to maintain the container and honour the co-creation of the group in real-time. We’ll do an 11-minute meditation together and open the circle-grid for experimental connection related to the theme of the week.

*live dates will shift and change based on group interest (and also whenever my baby arrives)

Refer to our portal + Monday morning email for time of our check-in-of-the-week.

Sign Up

The roll-out of this program is hosted in our members-only digital space GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID. You will be charged a monthly rate and can cancel at any time. Membership includes access to a growing library of teachings including:

  • Workshops on tantric numerology + how to uncover your natal numerology chart

  • 40+ distinct 1h kundalini classes

  • Meditative explorations of the mental bodies

  • A 5-class series for the kidneys + adrenals + bladder

  • A 5-class series for the liver + gallbladder

  • Guided breathwork audio-only tracks for the elements

  • A 5-class series on kundalini women’s teachings

  • A deep dive into the soul body

If you’re already a GCCG member know that you’ll receive GOLDEN WRITES emails and content. No need to do anything on your part. Write as you might and participate or don’t.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

If you identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Colour or have been financially impacted by pandemic woes please use code HUMEEHUM for a 22% discount acknowledging inequalities in pay, capitalist privilege, and financial stability as a determinant of access.

What You’ll Need

This program will be referencing The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and a copy is necessary to follow along. You can purchase from your local independent book seller, call it in at a yard sale, order online from a love-to-hate billionaire or use the free digital copy below. In addition to some discipline and a strong internet connection, you’ll also require a sexy blank notebook and a free-flowin’ pen.

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physical body

physical body

The fifth body is the physical body which is considered the vessel where the other nine bodies play out their parts. It is a temple of that great generating/organizing/delivering force (GOD!) given to us to explore the art of balance: feet on the ground, head in the sky.

The physical body gives us the capacity to sacrifice and to make sacred. It gives you the experience of balancing all parts of your life. If strong, it represents the teacher, the trailblazer, the disruptor, who is able to take abstractions and explain them to anyone in an earthly and concrete form. With the fifth body one can choose dharma over karma. If your fifth body is weak, you may be angry, greedy, jealous, competitive, ungrateful. Your inner and outer realities will be out of balance and you may have trouble expressing yourself verbally.

The virtues associated with the physical body and the number 5 are action-oriented, disruptive, energetic, passionate, fierce, inspired, go-getting. So. Let’s go-get for the month of June and see what happens.

Remember that you are a living orbit of energy that is constantly changing made up of trillions of cells that are constantly shifting. Every 72 hours your physical body totally changes so sit and meditate, move and feel. Let your blood flow through areas of discomfort and dis-ease. Treat your self by provoking your higher self.

The key to balancing the physical body is to exercise regularly. To move. To teach because we all have something worth sharing.

We’ll use physical Katonah-style yoga, sneaky Pilates, dynamic kriya, some breathwork, journaling, and community dialogue to explore this body. Join for the workshop, stay for the physical body explorations through 8 distinct 1hr classes that dive deep into the number 5.

This monthly workshop is part of the GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID membership zone. To join for June, sign-up below. Includes 8 live kundalini//katonah classes throughout the month. All recordings will be available for streaming whenever in our portal. You’ll also gain access to the growing collection of classes + workshops including a most recent addition of audio breathwork tracks.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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golden child
to Jun 22

golden child

An 8-week spring series for birthing bodies via ZOOM.

This is more than a prenatal series. It’s kind of like the acknowledgement that there is stardust growing in your uterus, inspired by the Khalsa Way approach. Expect hatha, kundalini yoga, and Pilates for mental, physical, and spiritual support throughout pregnancy, birth and early life as new fam.

Each week we’ll journey through 90 minutes of stretching, exploratory and dynamic movement, conscious breathing, some chanting, and deep meaningful connection to baby. You’ll be challenged and soothed. It’s normal to cry + laugh in this class. Experience it to know it: feel the pulse of life and the portal of creation that you are.

No yoga experience necessary. Suitable for all stages of pregnancy. Bring an open mind.

Sign-up Virtual

We’ll meet Thursday’s @ 10-11:30am EST on ZOOM. All classes will be recorded and available for streaming anytime throughout our series and your pregnancy. May 4 - June 22.

golden child [virtual]
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neutral mind

neutral mind

The fourth body is the neutral mind which is also referred to as the meditative mind. It gathers information from the negative and positive mind and then assesses the situation. It tells you what is, what to do, where to do it, and why to do it. From this place you're able to look at the whole play of life with compassion.

It's said that the neutral mind evaluates the input from the negative mind and the positive mind (and the rest of the bodies) and provides guidance within 9 seconds. Consider this time a buffer zone to move from reaction towards response. Building a strong neutral mind creates a very intuitive vantage point - one that gives you an experience of your soul.

If the neutral mind is weak you may have a hard time making decisions as you'll be stuck in the polarities of life. You'll have the habit of feeling victimized by life because you don't know how to integrate your experiences and find meaning in them. The gift of a balanced neutral mind is the ability to tune into the great cosmic scheme of things.

Our meditative mind is the neutral mind that connects us to our destiny so our life can be run by that magnetic, attractive, creative space. The meditative mind is the one with which we can take away the garbage of the subconscious mind and invite the flow of radiance.

The key to balancing the neutral mind is to meditate. We’ll use breathwork, kriya, journaling, mantra meditation, and community dialogue to explore this body. Join for the workshop, stay for the neutral mind explorations through 8 distinct 1hr classes that dive deep into the number 4.

This monthly workshop is part of the GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID membership zone. To join for May, sign-up below. Includes 8 live kundalini//katonah classes throughout the month. All recordings will be available for streaming whenever in our portal. You’ll also gain access to the growing collection of classes + workshops including a most recent addition of audio breathwork tracks and a 5 class spring series for the liver.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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10hr training
to Apr 30

10hr training

A 10hr in-person kundalini training to explore the cycle of existence: infinity, life, death, and rebirth. This is a condensed version of our 60hr module-based training. All levels.

For more information and to reserve your spot:

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april showers bring may flowers

april showers bring may flowers

A silly little movement offering from Meaghan Kelly of Moving Just Fine and Krista Schilter of Golden Chain. Expect a sweaty/dancey/showery pilates party and a dynamic/breathy/blossomy kundalini practice before settling into a deep relaxation with gong.

$33 for a good time. Space is limited. Sign up via MJF to avoid disappointment 👌

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positive mind

positive mind

According to tantric numerology, the third body is the positive mind which is expansive by its very nature. This body sees the positive essence of all situations and beings. A balanced positive mind gives you a strong will and allows you to use your power easily and humbly. It makes you naturally playful and optimistic and brings about a lightness and good sense of humour. It tells us what is right in a situation. It is the gracious mind. It has grit and courage and it is the body from which we put ourselves on the line.

We’ll use breathwork, kriya, journaling, mantra meditation, and community dialogue to explore this body. Join for the workshop, stay for the posi vibes of 8 distinct 1hr classes that dive deep into the number 3.

This monthly workshop is part of the GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID membership zone. To join for April, sign-up below. Includes 8 live kundalini//katonah classes throughout the month. All recordings will be available for streaming whenever in our portal. You’ll also gain access to the growing collection of classes + workshops.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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spring fling

spring fling

For the people of Grey-Bruce: an evening to mark Spring Equinox.

Mel Hill of Rosewood + Silver will offer a mini tea ceremony, herbal insights for the spring season, and considerations from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Krista Schilter of GOLDEN CHAIN will lead us through a breathwork + movement practice for the shift in season. Julie Clark of Province Apothecary and Supernatural Facials will offer aromatherapy guidance and self-massage for the face + lymph. We’ll finish the evening with deep relaxation and sound healing by way of the gong.

BYO mat, any contributions for our collective altar, and an open mind. 

Sign up via Rosewood + Silver

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get sprung

get sprung

We’ll gather in the ethers for a practice to mark spring equinox and remind ourselves that spring rises. Together we’ll breathe, move, rest, and chant.

Expect a Katonah x Kundalini movement practice and LEOK to bask in the subtleties of sound.

get sprung
from CA$22.00

This offering is priced in a tiered sliding-scale way. Please pay whatever rate feels most fair and accessible for you at this time. If you identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Colour or have been financially affected by COVID please use code HUMEEHUM for a 22% discount on any rate acknowledging inequalities in pay, capitalist privilege, and financial stability as a determinant of access.

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hot + cold
to Mar 12

hot + cold

In the spirit of leaning into all the things that feel good, let’s gather with other bodies for a sauna + ice-bath party for self-identifying hedonists. Expect a collective breathwork practice + gong in the sauna and meditative guidance in the ice-bath to lead us into a free-flowing night together with heightened senses somewhere on the edge of aliveness.

Price includes access to the v sexy Othership facilities for 2+ hours, programming, and loot bags c/o Morel Support + Geez Louise.

hot + cold
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Please be sure to setup an account with Othership before this event to keep our arrival smooth. BYO bather + water bottle. We’ve got towels and treats.

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negative mind

negative mind

According to tantric numerology, the negative mind is our second body and it’s the part of our mental faculty that helps us to assess risk. We’ll use breathwork, kriya, journaling, mantra meditation, and community dialogue to explore this body that’s not all bad. Prepare to be poked and provoked in ways that lead to illumination and elevation.

This monthly workshop is part of the GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID membership zone. To join for March, sign-up below. Includes 8 live kundalini//katonah classes throughout the month. All recordings will be available for streaming whenever in our portal. You’ll also gain access to the growing collection of classes + workshops.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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soul body

soul body

According to tantric numerology, the soul body is our first body and it’s related to our undying connection to source. We’ll use breathwork, kriya, journaling, mantra meditation, and community dialogue to explore the essence of self.

This monthly workshop is part of the GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID membership zone. To join for February, sign-up below. Includes 8 live kundalini//katonah classes throughout the month. All recordings will be available for streaming whenever in our portal. You’ll also gain access to January’s tantric numerology chart-reading workshop and classes.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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imbolc morning call

imbolc morning call

We’ll mark the half-way point between winter solstice and spring equinox with 37.5 minutes of LEOK. Chanting this mantra slows down the breath to 2.5 cycles per 40 seconds. Expect a little bit of movement to prepare the body to sit.

Note the later start time just cuz.

via ZOOM

Meeting ID: 828 6706 3362 | Password: satnam

EK//one point

ONG//pulsation of existence


SAT NAM//true identity


WAHE GURU//flow of wisdom

Language: Gurmukhi | Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib

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new moon morning call

new moon morning call

We’ll mark the new moon with 37.5 minutes of LEOK. Chanting this mantra slows down the breath to 2.5 cycles per 40 seconds. Expect a little bit of movement to prepare the body to sit.

Note the later start time to honour a weekend sleep-in.

via ZOOM

Meeting ID: 828 6706 3362 | Password: satnam

EK//one point

ONG//pulsation of existence


SAT NAM//true identity


WAHE GURU//flow of wisdom

Language: Gurmukhi | Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib

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get lit

get lit

A kundalini workshop for expansion + magnetism in the infrared heat and womb-like darkness of Jaybird ft aura photography and readings by Rose Aura.

Expect a dancey, dynamic, meditative practice including breathwork, kriya, pilates, rest, chanting, and 1-on-1 aura readings with a take-home polaroid.

Space is limited to 20 participants. Price includes practice, reading, and photo. It’s gonna be absolutely litty.

get lit
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full moon morning call

full moon morning call

We’ll mark the full moon with 37.5 minutes of LEOK as the sun rises. Chanting this mantra slows down the breath to 2.5 cycles per 40 seconds.

via ZOOM

Meeting ID: 828 6706 3362 | Password: satnam

EK//one point

ONG//pulsation of existence


SAT NAM//true identity


WAHE GURU//flow of wisdom

Language: Gurmukhi | Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib

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number crunchin'

number crunchin'

Learn to calculate and read your own chart through the basics of the ten bodies system of numerology.

Expect breathwork, a kriya, a meditation and a whole lotta simple math.

This is our opening monthly workshop as part of the GOLDEN CHAIN CIRCLE GRID membership zone. To join for our first month, sign-up below. Includes 8 live kundalini//katonah classes throughout January. All recordings will be available for streaming whenever in our portal.

Every month

The on-demand GOLDEN CHAIN library of teachings for self-paced and self-guided workshops and series. Informed by Kundalini Yoga, Katonah Yoga, nature-based connection, Gestalt group process, and The Artist's Way.

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new year new glow

new year new glow

Golden Chain was birthed in a NYD workshop on January 1, 2020 where we explored the numerology for the year ahead which unfolded in ways that none of us could have anticipated and yet the teachings hold.

This offering is like a third birthday party but instead of cake we’ll do math.

The other running title for this workshop is: new year same shit. Consider that the flipping of the calendar year will not simply vanish the growing pains uncovered over the past 12 months. We must keep moving, resting, learning, unlearning, and taking care of each other. As we move into a new year the harsh realities of our time like navigating the reintegration amidst global pandemic, government mistrust, class warfare, political tension, global public health affairs, the quickening pace of environmental degradation and increasingly rapid change will continue to challenge us. How then do we use our practice for insight to continue to contribute to a new way forward without losing momentum. Also: fuq inflation.

Together we’ll welcome in a new year - a seven year - (2+0+2+3) and explore teachings linked to both the energetic body - namely the aura - and the cultivation and manifestation of our presence as power. Expect a mini lecture on tantric numerology and how it relates to the ten body system and anatomy of the chakras, dynamic movement, mantra meditation and space for writing and community dialogue.

I’ll share my thematic practice of the year informed by the state of the world and the numbers at play.

new year new glow
from CA$33.00

This offering is priced in a tiered sliding-scale way. Please pay whatever rate feels most fair and accessible for you at this time: $33 or $22.. If you identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Colour please use code HUMEEHUM for a 22% discount on any rate acknowledging inequalities in pay, capitalist privilege, and financial stability as a determinant of access.

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welcome winter

welcome winter

We’ll gather in the ethers for a wintery practice to hibernate in the depths of the darkest day of the year and one of great transformation. Together we’ll move, write, rest, and chant.

Expect a Katonah x Kundalini movement practice and LEOK to bask in the subtleties of sound.

welcome winter
from CA$22.00

This offering is priced in a tiered sliding-scale way. Please pay whatever rate feels most fair and accessible for you at this time. If you identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Colour or have been financially affected by COVID please use code HUMEEHUM for a 22% discount on any rate acknowledging inequalities in pay, capitalist privilege, and financial stability as a determinant of access.

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full moon morning call

full moon morning call

We’ll mark the full moon with 37.5 minutes of LEOK as the sun rises. Chanting this mantra slows down the breath to 2.5 cycles per 40 seconds.

via ZOOM

Meeting ID: 828 6706 3362 | Password: satnam

EK//one point

ONG//pulsation of existence


SAT NAM//true identity


WAHE GURU//flow of wisdom

Language: Gurmukhi | Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib

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birthday party

birthday party

We’ll mark a spin around the sun with 37.5 minutes of LEOK. Chanting this mantra slows down the breath to 2.5 cycles per 40 seconds.

via ZOOM

Meeting ID: 828 6706 3362 | Password: satnam

EK//one point

ONG//pulsation of existence


SAT NAM//true identity


WAHE GURU//flow of wisdom

Language: Gurmukhi | Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib

This is a PWYC offering via paypal.me/goldenchainforever or hi@goldenchainforever.com with all proceeds going towards a contribution to the Lion’s Head + District Food Bank.

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IRL: eleven eleven

IRL: eleven eleven

We’ll gather IRL to move and breathe in familiar and unfamiliar ways to mark the lil portal created by the numerology of this day. Please note there will be no math in these classes.

4:30pm | A flow class weaving in big expansive shapes and concepts from Katonah + Kundalini lineages

6pm | A beats class that’s loud and music-driven informed by yoga, Pilates, a big dancey energy.

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